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Green domes (also known as green pillars) are mainly found in areas with underground power, in front of your house, in parks/reserves, or on roadsides. They're important as they house the electrical wiring that supplies power to your property so you can enjoy a grid-powered lifestyle.

They're tough and provide a high level of protection to the wiring inside, however it's important to know that a damaged green dome is as dangerous as a fallen powerline. If you have a cracked or broken green dome on your property or in the community, stay at least eight metres away and report it to us immediately on 13 13 51.

Green dome FAQs

phoneIf you see a damaged green dome
Stay at least 8 metres away and make the safe call to Western Power on  13 13 51



Seen a damaged green dome that looks like this?

green dome cracked in sandCracked or mildly damaged green domes can lead to further damage and exposure to electrical cabling. Report to Western Power immediately. green dome with crack in top western powerSignificantly damaged or broken green domes put you and the community at risk of exposure to electrical cabling. Report to Western Power immediately. damaged green dome 1If electrical cabling and wires are exposed, you and the community are at risk of an electric shock. Report to Western Power immediately.
  damaged green dome 2If the ground around and supporting your green dome is unsable or loose, it could lead to movement, exposure or future damage to the green dome. Report to Western Power immediately. damaged green dome 3If your green dome is noticeably leaning to one side, it could lead to damage. Report to Western Power immediately. It's OK for a slight lean in your green dome, as long as the ground supporting it is stable.