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Generator Performance Standards (GPS) apply to Transmission Connected Generating Systems and are defined in Chapter 3A and Appendix 12 of the Wholesale Electricity Market (WEM) Rules.

Generator Monitoring Plans Market Participants responsible for a Transmission Connected Generating System are required to submit a Generator Monitoring Plan (GMP) to AEMO.
Generator Performance Standards: Relevant Generator Modification Guideline

Generator Performance Standards: Relevant Generator Modification Guideline has been produced in accordance with WEM Rules 3A.12.2. This guideline provides Market Participants with examples of Potential Relevant Generator Modifications as well as circumstances and situations in which a Potential Relevant Generator Modification may be declared a Relevant Generator Modification.

Potential Relevant Generator Modification should be submitted to using the Potential RGM Declaration Template

Generator Performance Standards: Guideline for the Assessment of Technical Requirements

Generator Performance Standards: Guideline for the Assessment of Technical Requirements has been produced in accordance with WEM Rules 3A.4.4. This guideline provides information to Market Participants as to how the standard or technical level of performance in respect of each Generator Performance Standard Technical Requirement will be assessed for each type of generating unit.

Generator Performance Standards Template

The Generator Performance Standards Template is used to capture Generator Performance Standards (GPS). A completed GPS Template should be provided to us as part of the application process for all transmission connected generating systems.

Generator Performance Standards (GPS) Report Template 

The Generator Performance Standards (GPS) Report Template is to be used to develop the GPS report for submission along with the completed GPS template and model of the facility to Western Power for assessment.  

Generator Performance Standard Trigger Event Template

The Generator Performance Standards (GPS) Trigger Event Template captures information that is required before a Trigger Event can form part of a Proposed Negotiated GPS. A Trigger Event must be submitted using this template and should be lodged as part of a GPS Submission.

Power System Stability Requirements Guideline The Power System Stability Requirements Guideline outlines the requirements to keep the electricity network in a stable condition when a fault event occurs. It also includes definitions for Adequately Damped, Credible Contingency, Credible Fault Type, Generating System, Generating Unit, Power system, Small Disturbance and Large Disturbance.
Temperature Dependency Data  

The Generator Performance Standard of the Generating System for Active and Reactive Power capability must include Temperature Dependency Data up to and including the Maximum Temperature, including the Rated Maximum Active Power, and including ambient temperatures above the Maximum Temperature after which the Active or Reactive Power capability is reduced:

  1. for the Generating System measured at the Connection Point; and
  2. for each Synchronous Generating Unit measured at the Generating Unit terminal.

Market participants should submit the above information using one of the following templates:

WEM Procedure: Generation System Model Submission and Maintenance This WEM procedure specifies the procedure for the provision of modelling data by existing or prospective Market Participants with new or modified Transmission Connected Generating Systems in accordance with clauses 1.36.4, 1.40.30 and 3A.4.2 of the WEM Rules.

Note: Western Power is in the process of updating this WEM Procedure “Generation System Model Submission and Maintenance”. During this time, Market Participants should refer to the AEMO WEM Procedure 'GPS Compliance Tests and Generator Monitoring Plans'" for guidance with testing requirements and how compliance with Registered Generator Performance Standards will be verified, including tests required before an Interim Approval to Generate Notification and an Approval to Generate Notification is issued, in accordance with WEM Rules 3A.9.1. The AEMO WEM Procedure 'GPS Compliance Tests and Generator Monitoring Plans' prevails to the extent of any inconsistency with this WEM Procedure “Generation System Model Submission and Maintenance".
WEM Procedure: Generator Performance Standards for Existing Transmission Connected Generating Systems This WEM procedure applies to Existing Transmission Connected Generating Systems as at 1st February 2021. It describes the process to be followed when submitting and assessing Generator Performance Standards for Existing Transmission Connected Generating Systems.