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Feel an electric shock or tingle? Don’t ignore it. Report it.

If you ever experience a zap or tingling sensation when touching an electrical appliance at home, it could be a sign you have an electrical wiring issue. We take electric shocks and tingles seriously, as it can put your safety at risk including your fellow neighbours.

Find out everything needed to keep you, your family and the community safe.

Steps to stay safe

Felt a shock or tingle?

Don't touch the appliance or location of the shock again until we know your property is safe.

Call us immediately on 13 13 51

It's also worth seeking medical advice if you've had a shock to make sure there's no injury to the affected person.

We'll give you a call

One of our investigators will be in touch for more information, so let us know who's best to speak to making sure you give us your correct contact details.

Determining the cause

Our crew will check your connection for either a network or private property issue. To ensure ongoing safety you may temporarily have your power disconnected. Depending on the cause we'll fix it for you or we'll give you advice on who to contact to rectify it.

If it's a private property issue

It's likely that the issue is with the wiring in your property and may need to inspected/rectified by a qualified electrician. The responsibility to source and pay for the electrician is with the property owner.

If it's a network issue

Our crews will carry out repairs and reconnect the installation. We will ensure that you are reconnected as soon as possible.

Safe to reconnect

Once the advice provided has been addressed your electrician will notify us and we'll reconnect you as soon as possible. Times can vary depending on the complexity and volume of faults at the time.

Follow up

A member of the WA Electrical inspectors will contact you to inspect that the necessary work has been carried out safely and that the issue has been addressed.


Find out more about them in the FAQ's below. 

Electric shocks and tingles FAQs

Reporting incidents and emergencies