Transmission line easement: landowner obligations
Western Power’s commitment to the safety of our people, the community and the environment is fundamental to our business.
A transmission line easement is a property right that provides for Western Power’s employees and contractors to enter upon land to undertake maintenance and other works on the transmission line and other associated electricity assets. To protect this property right the easement places limitations on certain land uses and activities over the land that could pose a safety risk to the public or environment or impact the safe operation of the Western Power network.
Common examples of easements include poles or wires on private land and shared driveways.
Transmission line easements can vary in width depending on the safe operating space required for the voltage and design and future plans of the transmission line. Generally, the higher the voltage, the wider the easement. The diagram below shows the typical width of Western Power’s transmission line easements.
Transmission comparison (height in metres)
1. 330kV Double Circuit Steel Lattice Tower |
2. 330kV Single Circuit Steel Lattice Tower (Low Profile) |
3. 330kV Double Circuit Steel Pole |
4. 220kV Single Circuit Steel Lattice Tower |
5. 132kV Double Circuit Steel Pole (Rural) |
6. 132kV Single Circuit Steel Pole (Rural) |
7. 132kV Single Circuit Wood Pole (Rural) |
8. 132kV Single Circuit Wood Pole (Rural) |
9. 132kV Double Circuit Steel Pole (Metro) |
10. 132kV Single Circuit Wood/Steel Pole (Metro) |
For illustration purposes only. Typical easement widths only, may vary on a case-by-case basis.
Landowner obligations
Many planned activities within the easement area cannot be undertaken as they could pose a risk to public safety or the reliable operation of the network.
Landowners with an easement on their property need to be aware of the provisions that limit the use of the easement land. Any activity or development undertaken outside of these conditions may result in the removal or relocation of it at the landowner’s cost. Some activities may also result in penalties or enforcement actions.
In addition to referring to the terms of the specific easement registered on the relevant land, landowners should always contact Western Power prior to planning any work within or adjacent to the easement land.
How can I find out if my property has a Western Power transmission line easement?
Transmission line easements are registered on your Certificate of Title. To see an example of this visit Landgate Easements Covenants Notifications and other Interests. A copy of the easement on the Certificate of Title can be ordered through Landgate.
What activities are prohibited or need approval from Western Power?
High voltage transmission lines have different safety risks from urban powerlines that operate at lower voltages. This is why Western Power encourages the principle of ‘prudent avoidance’ or a precautionary approach when planning any works near or under existing or planned high voltage transmission lines.
The easement conditions listed below are common restrictions placed on land titles under Western Power’s transmission line easement and must be read in conjunction with the relevant easement document available from Landgate when planning any activity within or adjacent an easement.
Easement conditions for the overhead transmission lines
1. The owner agrees with Western Power that it will not and it will ensure that the Owner’s Personnel do not:
- interfere in any way with the transmission works;
- construct, improve, enlarge or alter any building, structure or improvement (including but not limited to a shed, stable, retaining wall, fence, sign, garage, carport, veranda or light pole) within the Easement Area without the written approval of Western Power except for a fence or trellis which is less than 2 metres in Height and, if the fence or trellis is metallic is also earthed to the satisfaction of Western Power which may require the Owner to provide Western Power information in respect to the metallic fence or trellis including Earth Potential Rise (EPR) and/or Low Frequency Induction (LFI) studies;
- alter or disturb the grade or contours of land within the Easement Area except with the prior written approval of Western Power;
- construct, improve, enlarge, excavate or alter any contour bank, stormwater drain, compensating basin, artificial or natural lake, dam, river, lake or anything else capable of holding water without the prior written approval of Western Power;
- construct, improve, enlarge or alter any swimming pool;
- construct, improve, enlarge or alter any car park or car parking facility without the prior written approval of Western Power;
- grow, or maintain any plants or other vegetation exceeding 3 metres in Height;
- place or store any sea containers or similar objects within the Easement Area without the prior written approval of Western Power;
- bring any vehicle, water vessel, machinery, crane or other equipment onto the Easement Area which exceeds, or has any part, component or accessory which exceeds 4.5 metres in Height without the prior written approval of Western Power;
- park, store or leave on the Easement Area any vehicle, water vessel, machinery, crane or other equipment which exceeds 2.5 metres in Height;
- bring any explosive, flammable or unstable substance or material onto the Easement Area;
- blast within the Easement Area or within the Land surrounding the Easement Area;
- carry on any activity which causes any damage, or have the potential to cause any damage to the Transmission Works or will impact or have the potential to impact the continuous operation of the Transmission Works;
- move, cover, destroy or otherwise disturb any survey peg, permanent marker, sign, boundary marker or other equipment within the Easement Area;
- sail, fly kites, model aircraft, drones or other similar objects within the Easement Area or the Land surrounding the Easement Area;
- install any irrigation equipment within the Easement Area which projects a solid jet of water to within 3 metres of any overhead conductor; or
2. If the Owner becomes aware that any part of the Transmission Works requires repair or maintenance the Owner must inform Western Power of the need for repair or maintenance as soon as possible.
3. The Owner must at all times comply with the requirements of this Deed and acknowledges that a breach of this Deed may constitute an offence, including but not limited to an offence under the Energy Operators (Powers) Act 1979 (WA).
The restrictions above need to be read in conjunction with the relevant easement document registered on the relevant land title.
1. The Owner agrees with Western Power that it will not and it will ensure that the Owner’s Personnel do not:
- interfere in any way with the Transmission Works;
- construct, improve, enlarge or alter any building, structure or improvement (including but not limited to a shed, stable, retaining wall, fence, sign, garage, carport, veranda or light pole) within the Easement Area without the written approval of Western Power except for a fence or trellis which is less than 2 metres in Height and, if the fence or trellis is metallic is also earthed to the satisfaction of Western Power which may require the Owner to provide Western Power information in respect to the metallic fence or trellis including Earth Potential Rise (EPR) and/or Low Frequency Induction (LFI) studies;
- alter or disturb the grade or contours of land within the Easement Area except in the course of normal farming operations or otherwise with the prior written approval of Western Power on each occasion;
- construct, improve, enlarge, excavate or alter any contour bank, stormwater drain, compensating basin, artificial or natural lake, dam, river, lake or anything else capable of holding water without the prior written approval of Western Power;
- construct, improve, enlarge or alter any swimming pool within the Easement Area;
- construct, improve, enlarge or alter any car park or car parking facility within the Easement Area without the prior written approval of Western Power;
- grow, harvest or maintain any crops, plants or other vegetation exceeding 3 metres in Height within the Easement Area;
- place or store any harvested crops, plants or vegetation or any sea containers or similar objects within the Easement Area without the prior written approval of Western Power;
- bring any vehicle, water vessel, machinery, crane or other equipment onto the Easement Area which exceeds, or has any part, component or accessory which exceeds 4.5 metres in Height without the prior written approval of Western Power;
- park, store or leave on the Easement Area any vehicle, water vessel, machinery, crane or other equipment which exceeds 2.5 metres in Height;
- bring any explosive, flammable or unstable substance or material onto the Easement Area, except in the course of ordinary farming activities;
- blast within the Easement Area or within the Land surrounding the Easement Area;
- carry on any activity which causes any damage, or have the potential to cause any damage to the Transmission Works or will impact or have the potential to impact the continuous operation of the Transmission Works;
- move, cover, destroy or otherwise disturb any survey peg, permanent marker, sign, boundary marker or other equipment within the Easement Area;
- fly kites, model aircraft, drones or other similar objects within the Easement Area or the Land surrounding the Easement Area;
- install any irrigation equipment within the Easement Area which projects a solid jet of water to within 3 metres of any overhead conductor;
- undertake any aerial application (crop dusting) within the Easement Area without the prior written approval of Western Power; or
2. If the Owner becomes aware that any part of the Transmission Works requires repair or maintenance the Owner must inform Western Power of the need for repair or maintenance as soon as possible.2
3. The Owner must at all times comply with the requirements of this Deed and acknowledges that a breach of this Deed may constitute an offence, including but not limited to an offence under the Energy Operators (Powers) Act 1979 (WA).
The restrictions above need to be read in conjunction with the relevant easement document registered on the relevant land title.
Easement conditions for the underground transmission lines
1. The Owner agrees with Western Power that it will not and it will ensure that the Owner’s Personnel do not:
- interfere in any way with the Transmission Works;
- construct, improve, enlarge or alter any building, structure or improvement (including but not limited to a shed, stable, retaining wall, fence, sign, garage, carport, veranda or light pole) within the Easement Area without the written approval of Western Power;
- alter or disturb the grade or contours of land within the Easement Area except with the prior written approval of Western Power;
- construct, improve, enlarge, excavate or alter any contour bank, stormwater drain, compensating basin, artificial or natural lake, dam, river, lake or anything else capable of holding water without the prior written approval of Western Power;
- construct, improve, enlarge or alter any swimming pool within the easement area;
- construct, improve, enlarge or alter any car park or car parking facility within the easement area without the prior written approval of Western Power;
- place or store any plant, material , vegetation or any sea containers or similar objects within the Easement Area without the prior written approval of Western Power;
- bring any explosive, flammable or unstable substance or material onto the Easement Area;
- blast within the Easement Area or within the Land surrounding the Easement Area;
- carry on any activity which causes any damage, or have the potential to cause any damage to the Transmission Works or will impact or have the potential to impact the continuous operation of the Transmission Works; or
2. move, cover, destroy or otherwise disturb any survey peg, permanent marker, sign, boundary marker or other equipment within the Easement Area. If the Owner becomes aware that any part of the Transmission Works requires repair or maintenance the Owner must inform Western Power of the need for repair or maintenance as soon as possible.
3. The Owner must at all times comply with the requirements of this Deed and acknowledges that a breach of this Deed may constitute an offence, including but not limited to an offence under the Energy
The restrictions above need to be read in conjunction with the relevant easement document registered on the relevant land title.
Western Power written approval process
Landowners must obtain written approval from Western Power for planned activities within an easement.
To start this process, you’ll need to complete a Working near transmission or communication assets application, which requires providing a detailed description of your planned activity for assessment, including information on the structure, drawings, dimensions, and location within the easement.
A Western Power representative will contact the applicant to discuss the processing fees and prepare a quote to perform the assessment.
For more detailed inquiries or specific cases, please contact us directly on 13 10 87.