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WS4564359497 Network Support Services at Bremer Bay – Expression of Interest (EOI)

The Organisation

Western Power is a Western Australian State Government owned corporation which is responsible for building, maintaining, and operating an electricity network which connects over 2.3 million customers to traditional and renewable energy sources.

Problem Statement
The town of Bremer Bay is situated at the very fringe of the Western Power network.  Bremer Bay’s electrical energy is supplied from Albany, some 178km away.  

The challenge of supplying customers over such a long distance is the inherent exposure to the environment and thus increases propensity of network outages.

About the opportunity
Western Power is seeking to work with interested parties who can provide a reliability service (microgrid) during network outage events.

Proposed Location
The services are required to be connected to the Western Power network within close proximity to the Bremer Bay township.

The Scope

Western Power is seeking registrations of interest from suitably qualified and experienced organisations, for the provision of a distributed demand control services on Western Power’s MV Distribution Network for:

Reliability network support service

a.    Must be capable of forming and sustaining a microgrid
b.    Microgrid formation must be completed within 5 minutes of request
c.    Must be capable of sustaining microgrid for no less than 4 hours
d.    Must be capable of sustaining peak load of 2MVA
e.    Must demonstrate facility is capable of expansion to facilitate increased output in the event of energy demand growth.

Registration Requirements

Suppliers are required to respond to the following for its Registration of Interest submission:

•    Demonstrate track record and capability in delivering services in relation to the high-level Scope requirements stated above.
•    References from at least three customers for whom your organisation has completed similar services.
•    Safety, Health & Environment information to be requested as part of this exercise.

To be considered, please :
1.    Download the questionnaire file below, complete and attached in the registration.
      Questionnaire: WS4564359497 NSS EOI Bremer Bay questionnaire form
2.   REGISTER with the online form below no later than 5PM AWST, Monday 29th July 2024.

Please ensure the following details are included in your registration:

•   Please specify the advertised tender event number you are responding to: 
      WS4564359497 Network Support Services at Bremer Bay 
•   Commodity Code Number and Title: 83101806 – Rural electrical power distribution

Please note that registering for the opportunity does not guarantee that you will be invited to participate in a market event or become a supplier of Western Power.
Should you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact:
Peter Ling  – Senior Category and Contracts Specialist.