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P00866 – Provision of GIS Platform Modernisation Services

The Organisation

Western Power is a Western Australian State Government owned corporation which is responsible for building, maintaining, and operating an electricity network which connects over 2.3 million customers to traditional and renewable energy sources, delivering an essential service to our community. As a critical service provider, we deliver reliable electricity distribution while advancing our transition to a Distribution System Operator model by 2031, underpinned by innovative technology and operational efficiency.

The Scope

Western Power is seeking registration of interest from suitably qualified and experienced organisations to provide GIS platform modernisation services for our GIS project.  We aim to engage one or more vendors with proven credibility, extensive experience in similar utility GIS transformations, and deep expertise in delivering complex geospatial solutions.  
Western Power is modernising its Geographic Information System (GIS) platform, to enhance technical capabilities, integrate with critical business systems and streamline GIS business processes.  
The selected organisation(s) will be required to deliver: 

• Data Migration: Migrate legacy geospatial distribution network data (ArcGIS / ArcFM 10.8.1, geometric network connectivity) to ArcGIS 11.x Utility Network Model, including a geographic datum transformation from GDA1994 to GDA2020.

• GIS Software Upgrades: Upgrade Western Power’s full GIS software stack to the latest versions of ArcGIS Enterprise and ArcGIS Pro.

• Custom Tools Upgrades:  Modernise custom software components in desktop and web.

• Support Legacy Integrations: maintain compatibility to 40+ existing integrations between the GIS platform and key internal systems (e.g. Ellipse EAM, Power On Advantage ADMS) and external systems.

Business Process / Interface Redesign:

–  Design to GIS:  Currently Western Power creates approximately 2,500 new designs each year, each contributing to the creation and connection of new assets within our GIS.  The current process is largely paper-based and involves significant amounts of manual effort, resulting in delays of effort, taking weeks to months before new design and as-constructed data is accessible to GIS users.  This project aims to redesign this into a near real-time automated process, reducing data availability lags from months to minutes.

–  Meters to GIS: Currently at Western Power, GIS is integrated to Hansen’s meter and billing system Hub (MBS).  This integration is address-based and runs via overnight batch.  This project aims to redesign the integration into a near real-time, automated process, leveraging additional data sources, and reducing lags in data availability from days to minutes.

• Infrastructure Transition: Transition the GIS platform from its current on-premises infrastructure to a scalable hosting environment, with the ability to support >2,000 web users (> 400 concurrent) with 10% year-on-year growth.

• Regulatory Compliance: Ensure the solution complies with Western Power’s cybersecurity standards and data privacy regulations (including Personally Identifiable Information).

• Workflow Automation: Develop and optimise automated workflows to streamline repetitive processes, such as network updates and data corrections.

• Advanced Visualisation: Provide advanced 2D and 3D visualisation tools for asset management, network tracing, and time-series spatial data, enhancing planning and operational visibility for field and office teams.

• Change Management and Training: Develop and implement a comprehensive change management strategy to support the successful adoption of the modernised GIS platform to ensure sustained user engagement and operational continuity.

Registration Requirements

Western Power seeks organisation(s) that demonstrate:

•  A strong track record in delivering GIS projects for utilities or similar large-scale organisations, backed by references and case studies. 
•  Provide three references from recent projects, detailing challenges faced, and outcomes achieved. 
•  Deep knowledge of GIS technologies, cloud infrastructure, system integrations, and utility specific business processes, ensuring alignment with Western Power’s strategic objectives and regulatory requirements.

Submission Guidelines

Organisation(s) interested in participating should submit their Expression of Interest and include:
•    Company overview, including size, location, and key capabilities.
•    Relevant experience with GIS projects, particularly for utilities, with references and case studies.  
•    A high-level approach to delivering the scope outlined above, demonstrating credibility and expertise. If you plan to partner with other vendors, please specify the roles and responsibilities of each party, and how the collaboration will be managed.
•    Information on your company’s Safety, Health & Environment policies.
•    Contact details for follow-up discussions. 
•    Using the attached table, outline your capabilities against each item in “The Scope” section, and provide comments. 

To be considered, please REGISTER your interest on the Western Power website link below by 2pm (AWST) on Wednesday 02 April and e-mail your response to

Please ensure the following details are included in your registration:
•  Advertised event number: Please specify the advertised number below: 
P00866 – Provision of GIS Platform Modernisation Services

Following the EOI phase, Western Power will shortlist preferred vendors and issue a detailed RFP with comprehensive technical and functional requirements, enabling deeper engagement and proposal development. Please note that registering for the opportunity does not guarantee that your organisation will be invited to participate in a market event or become a supplier of Western Power.

Registrations of interest

Contact information

Contact information

Company information

Company information

Registration of interest

Organisation safety record (including any subcontractors working for you)

Has your organisation, including parent and subsidiary entities, been fatality free for the last five years?

Total Recordable Injury Frequency Rate (TRIFR) TRIFR further information

Total Recordable Injury Frequency Rate (TRIFR) TRIFR further information

Supporting documents

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