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WS4484168084 – NCESS for the Eastern Goldfields region

The Coordinator of Energy has determined, under clause 3.11A.4 of the Wholesale Electricity Market (WEM) Rules, to trigger a Non-Co-optimised Essential System Services (NCESS) procurement process for reliability and system strength services for the Eastern Goldfields region.

Following an outage impacting the EGF the Minister for Energy (Minister) and Energy Policy WA (EPWA) have been considering the need for improvements in reliability of the network in the Eastern Goldfields (EGF) region and have engaged Western Power and AEMO to consider options.

Due to the distance and anticipated cost involved in building a second transmission supply to the EGF, Western Power has identified that one option to deliver improved reliability to the EGF region in the short to medium term may be through an NCESS.

Call for NCESS Submissions

Western Power has published the Call for NCESS Submissions seeking responses from potential NCESS providers to determine the most cost-effective option to improve reliability of the network in the EGF region if the Minister proposes amendments to the minimum reliability standards.

Western Power is seeking:

  • The Reliability Service (measured in MW of response capability) is to minimise power supply disruption during planned and unplanned network outage events impacting the EGF; and
  • The System Strength Service (measured in MVA of available fault level) is to maintain voltage stability, power quality obligations and sufficiently high fault levels for intact network conditions, or as a result of planned or unplanned outages.

A prospective NCESS provider may offer either a reliability service or a system strength service, or both, that can fully or partially meet the relevant service requirements.

The preferred date for the commencement of the proposed services is 1st October 2026. However, Western Power is willing to consider services to be provided no later than 1st October 2027.

Queries may be submitted by email to or via Q&A function in VendorPanel portal.

Please submit NCESS Submission via VendorPanel no later than 5:00pm (AWST) on Monday, 5th August 2024. 

Interested NCESS provider should register with VendorPanel to be informed of whether any supporting documentation such as clarifications to questions may be published.

Key activities


Coordinator of Energy determination to trigger NCESS

Friday, 15 March 2024

Call for EOIs

Monday, 12 April 2024

Closing Date and time for lodgement of EOIs

Monday, 20 May 2024 by 5:00pm AWST

Call for NCESS Submissions

Monday, 24 June 2024

Cut-off date for questions from service providers

Monday, 22 July 2024

Cut-off date for Western Power to answer service providers’ questions

Monday, 29 July 2024

Closing date for NCESS Submission

Monday, 5 August 2024 by 5:00pm AWST

Call for NCESS Submissions documents

EOI Documents

Western Power’s NCESS Trigger Submission (March 2024)

To find a copy of the Coordinator of Energy’s determination please visit Energy Policy WA’s web page.



NCESS Eastern Goldfields EOI Public Information Forum

Western Power’s NCESS Trigger Submission (March 2024)

To find a copy of the Coordinator of Energy’s determination please visit Energy Policy WA’s web page