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What is a green dome?

You may have seen a green dome (also known as a green pillar) on your property or in your neighbourhood and wondered, what does a green dome do?

An integral part of the energy network, these green domes protect equipment that provides electricity to homes across WA.

Check out the video (right) to find out more about green domes and why they are so important for your home.

Green domes: The important powerhouse

Although small, don't underestimate their importance - they pack a powerful punch.

Touching an intact green dome won’t hurt you, but if it is damaged and you don’t realise, an exposed wire from a green dome is just as dangerous as a fallen power line. 

person walking past green dome





Does every home need a green dome? Who installs them? What happens if you damage one? We've got the answers to your questions!

Read on to find out more... 

Your car: The green dome predator

Green domes often falls victim to it’s number one predator – your car.

Find out how you can help keep the species safe and what to do if you see an injured one.