Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) are compound semi-conductor devices that produce visible light when an electrical current passes through them.
Streetlight faults are normally fixed within 5 working days in the metropolitan area and major regional centres (eg Kalgoorlie, Geraldton or Albany) and 9 working days in rural areas.
In most cases, we fix the fault on the day of inspection.
In areas where the power supply is underground, we've seen an increased number of cable faults. These faults are more complex to assess, locate and repair.
Basic cable faults can take up to 12 weeks to repair.
If cabling is non-compliant with standards, a full upgrade of the underground cable system is needed. Full upgrades can take months from design and engineering to planning and scheduling of cable laying.
New LED lighting may appear brighter compared to older streetlights, which is largely due to the decreasing performance and lower light output of older lights.
Streetlight systems with LEDs are more focused, ensuring more of the light shines onto residential streets and public sidewalks with less light spill into adjacent areas.
Western Power’s LED lights are warm white in their colour (3000K) which provides a balance between light effectiveness and amenity.