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These provide public lighting services to local governments, including illuminating roads for pedestrians and vehicles, and outdoor public areas to support public safety and security.

As part Western Power’s strategy of Working together to power a cleaner energy future we’re transitioning to LED streetlights to support the community’s decarbonisation goals and our ongoing drive to provide safe, reliable and affordable delivery of electricity.

Pilot project

In April 2025, Western Power will be undertaking a pilot project to replace non-LED streetlights with LED luminaires in some suburbs within the local government areas of City of Kwinana, City of Melville and City of Canning. The project is expected to conclude by June 2025. This project is in addition to the current maintenance program of installing LED luminaires when streetlights fail.


Following the pilot project, any learnings will be incorporated, and we aim to commence implementation of the proactive LED replacement program in mid-2025. We will consult with local governments prior to the delivery of the program in their area.

More information about the proactive LED replacement program will be shared with all local governments soon.

Benefits of LED streetlights

  • Better for the environment – LEDs don’t contain the hazardous substances present in older lights and will reduce streetlight-related CO2 emissions on average by around 60%.

  • Community safety - Improved visibility on roads and in public spaces. The new LED luminaires meet current Australian standards in relation to road category and safety requirements.

  • Financially sound - LED streetlights have a longer lifespan and improved energy efficiency providing improved reliability and reduced maintenance costs for local governments and rate payers.

  • Embrace the future – with new LED streetlights we can explore innovative technologies such as ‘smart’ lighting features in the future.

What happens during works?

Each streetlight will take around 20 minutes to change and won’t impact residents’ power supply. No civil works or excessive noise is expected. Traffic management and night works will be in place where required to ensure the safety of our workers and the public.

More information

For information about LED streetlights in your area, please contact your Local Government.