Industry decarbonisation energy projects - Registrations of Interest
Large commercial and industrial customers were provided an opportunity to help shape major transmission builds needed to deliver a clean energy future for WA.
Registrations of interest
Registrations of interest (ROI) submissions were called for to inform future major transmission builds – ROI now closed.
Industry will play a critical role in establishing the once-in a generation transmission network growth required to enable industrial decarbonisation, service renewable generation and support State and regional economic growth as WA moves towards achieving net zero.
Following the release of the SWIS Demand Assessment, Western Power, in partnership with the WA Government, announced a call out for registrations of interest (ROI) from large commercial and industrial customers on their plans for low-emissions electricity and renewable energy projects to supply major projects in WA's main electricity grid.
The bespoke registration process included defined conditions to ensure the best outcome for the customer, the community, and the State. It aims to establish the customer base that will shape future major transmission expansion projects, prioritise areas for grid investment in this first stage of investment and provide valuable insight to enable policy setting for suitable funding arrangements.
Between 4 October – 1 November 2023, industrial customers were provided the opportunity to submit their project plans, status, timing, and willingness to contribute to network augmentation and connection costs for consideration. Information sessions were held to explain the process and answer questions.
ROI submissions are now closed. Western Power and the WA Government will provide an update on the progress in early 2024.