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Ensure nothing is obstructing the sunlight  

Solar panels generate electricity by converting sunlight into energy. The more sunlight they receive, the more electricity they can produce. While you can't control the weather, you can ensure that your panels are free from obstructions.

  • Check for shading: Regularly inspect your panels and surroundings for any new growth of trees or plants that might cast shadows.

  • Plan structures wisely: When adding structures like gazebos or satellite dishes, consider their impact on sunlight exposure.

  • Positioning: A reputable installer will provide optimal placement advice, but continuous monitoring ensures maximum sunlight and efficiency.

Well-placed, unobstructed panels will increase your savings and reduce your bills. 

Ensure the panels are clean  

Clean panels are efficient panels. Debris like leaves and dirt can reduce their effectiveness.

  • Regular cleaning: Clean your panels twice a year using a soft cloth and mild soap. Avoid cleaning during hot weather to prevent cracks.

  • Safety first: Always turn off the system before cleaning. If you're unsure, consider hiring professionals.

  • Gentle handling: Use a microfiber cloth to dry them and never walk on the panels.

Consider getting a battery for your solar system  

Adding a battery to your solar system allows you to store excess energy for use when the sun isn't shining.

  • Energy storage: Batteries enable you to use stored power at night or during cloudy days.

  • Cost efficiency: Though traditionally expensive, battery prices are becoming more affordable, making them a viable option for many households.

  • Backup power: Batteries can provide power during outages and work in conjunction with the main electricity network.

Service and maintain your solar system 

Regular maintenance is crucial for safety and efficiency.

  • Annual servicing: The Clean Energy Council recommends yearly servicing by an accredited installer to ensure optimal performance and safety.

  • Preventive maintenance: Regular checks can prevent costly repairs and dangerous malfunctions.

Utilise your power in the daytime  

Maximise your solar energy by using power during peak sunlight hours.

  • Smart usage: Run energy-intensive appliances like washing machines and dishwashers during the day.

  • Combine strategies: Smart usage, regular cleaning, potential battery storage, and annual maintenance work together to make the most of your solar system.