Install a new streetlight
Who is this for?
For local government authorities (LGA) or land developers.
How long will it take?
3 months - to provide you with a technical assessment
4-6 months - to provide you with a design and quote, depending on the complexity of your project
3 months - to construct, upon payment of quote and confirmation your site is ready
Timeframes indicative only and subject to change based on demand.
How much will it cost?
We'll provide a quote after we complete the scoping and design of your project.
Application process
You’ve applied
You’ll receive a scope
You’ll receive design fee invoice
You’ll receive a quote for the delivery of the works
Let us know how we went
What to include with your application
A site plan
Provides us with an understanding of your work site, the location of existing and new assets and help us to design your product. It will need to include:
- Your property
- Neighbouring properties
- The location of the supply point
Site plan for installation of streetlights
For a site plan to be accepted, it must clearly show:
- clearly-marked lot/house numbers where available
street names and any nearest cross road/s - location of proposed streetlight/s, distance/s from lot boundaries OR GIS coordinates (longitude and latitude) offset from side boundaries
- pole number/s for existing poles or clearly marked location of new poles to be installed.
Creating a site plan using maps or satellite images
An easy way to create a site plan is to use a online mapping service like Google Maps. Just take a screen shot of the address and then label the requirements on it.
Site photos
Help us understand your current connection arrangements and more easily identify potential site specific issues. Photos will need to include:
- The extent of the worksite
- Any obstructions in the area
Site photos for streetlight installations
For a pillar site plan to be accepted, it must clearly show:
- taken from across the road
- mark-up of exact location of existing pole (with pole number/s) or new pole position
Example of site photos for existing poles
Example of site photos for new poles
Local government authority
If you’re not working for an LGA, you will need to provide evidence in writing from your local government authority stating that you have their approval to conduct this work.
CAD site plan
For applications of 5 or more streetlights you’ll need to include a CAD plan. It helps us better understand your work site and location of assets. We extract data from your plan to assist us with your design.
CAD plan for streetlights
For a CAD plan to be accepted it must clearly show:
- road lines
- kerb lines
- lot boundaries
- streetlight pole locations (latitude and longitude)
The plan can be provide in any of these formats - *.dxf, *.dgn, *.dwg.
Ready to request the installation of a new streetlight?
For multiple streetlights please select a single address (e.g. Civic Centre or first streetlight replacement) in the application form. We will contact you to discuss your requirements.
New LED lighting may appear brighter compared to older streetlights, which is largely due to the decreasing performance and lower light output of older lights.
Streetlight systems with LEDs are more focused, ensuring more of the light shines onto residential streets and public sidewalks with less light spill into adjacent areas.
Western Power’s LED lights are warm white in their colour (3000K) which provides a balance between light effectiveness and amenity.
Western Power is regulated by the state government in terms of how it can earn revenue. Our revenue (through tariffs) is determined by the size of our Regulated Asset Base (RAB).
When streetlights are added to the RAB they have an economic life of 20 years. If a streetlight is replaced or upgraded to LED lighting when it is younger than 20 years old, there’s still some value in there that we haven’t recovered back yet.
Western Power may approve the gifting of ownership of existing streetlights from the Local Government Authority to Western Power if the following criteria are met:
- A constructed drawing of the street light installation is provided to Western Power
- The streetlights meet the specification of Western Power’s product range
- The streetlights have been regularly maintained, and are in good working order
- Any work, advised by Western Power, to modify the connection point is undertaken by the Local Government Authority