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Who is this for?

All major customers that require a new or modified connection to the South-West Interconnected System (SWIS).  

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How long will it take?

3 months*

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How much will it cost?

$25,000* (excluding GST)


Connection process


To start this stage, you will need to complete and submit an enquiry form to connect to a new location or modify an exisiting connection point and provide the relevant critical project criteria evidence for us to assess the criticality of your project.

During the enquiry stage, we will identify a suitable network connection option to assist you with evaluating the feasibility of your project and preparing a Connection Application. 

Please refer to our Facilitating timely connection of critical customer projects guideline for more information on what's required.

Connections Options Assessment

This Connections Option Assessment activity will include the following:

  • Identifying network connection options for meeting the requirements described in the Enquiry form, including modifications to the network required to facilitate the proposed connection to the network
  • One 2-hour workshop between Western Power Planning Engineers and the customer to present, discuss and refine the identified network connection options
  • Developing a high-level scope of work, AACE Class 5** cost and high-level time estimate for each identified network connection option
  • Preparing and providing all this information to the customer in a Connection Options Assessment pack

Identifying and assessing any economic, market or network constraints and the modifications to the Network required to remove the constraint are not included in the Connection Options Assessment.

Estimate cost* Estimate timeframe* Customer inputs/deliverables required
$25,000 (excluding GST) 8 weeks Enquiry form submitted

Project considerations

The following will need to be provided at various stages during the process in order to progress through the phases. These should be considered in advance when assessing the feasibility of a project: 

  • Community engagement including consultation with affected landowners, residents, and businesses
  • Obtaining land access including provision of easements
  • Conducting Environmental Spring Surveys
  • Conducting an environmental, planning and heritage assessment
  • Clearing, working near other asset approvals
  • Obtaining third party permits, approvals and land acquisitions  

Start your enquiry

Get started on your Connections Options Assessment by submitting the appropriate enquiry form below:

Connect a new location

Modify an existing connection point


* The estimated costs and timeframes shown above are to be used as a guide and will vary depending on project specifics, such as facility size, connection voltage, complexity and geographic etc. The durations are based on all customer deliverables having been received and with no queuing time. Some activities may be able to happen in parallel.

** Association for the Advancement of Cost Engineering (ACCE) International Estimation Standard