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Who is this for?

Major customers that have completed an Enquiry Connection Options Assessment and are looking to progress their project.

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How long will it take?

6-10 months*

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How much will it cost?

Approximately $120,000 - $200,000* (excluding GST)

Connection process


After your initial enquiry, if you want to progress with your project, you will need to complete and submit a Connection Application and provide the relevant critical project criteria evidence for us to assess the criticality of your project.

Please refer to our Facilitating timely connection of critical customer projects guideline for more information on what's required.

Submit your Connection Application

When you are ready to progress with your project, please complete and submit the following Connection Application form to

When submitting your application, you may need to provide supporting information. Please note that we can only accept the submission of large files through Microsoft SharePoint or OneDrive. Please speak with your Senior Access Consultant about setting this up.

Estimated cost* Estimated timeframe* Customer inputs/deliverables required
$5,000 20 business days
  • Connection Application form
  • Powerfactory Model of the customers facility (Steady State)  
  • Model User Guide
  • Single Line Diagram
  • Equipment Data Sheet
  • Payment of Application Fee

Connections Options Assessment (if required)

The Connections Option Assessment in the Initiation stage is only required if it was not completed as part of the Enquiry stage, or the options provided at the time are no longer viable. This activity will include the following:

  • Identifying network connection options for meeting the requirements described in the Connection Application, including modifications to the network required to facilitate the proposed connection to the network
  • One 2-hour workshop between Western Power Planning Engineers and the customer to present, discuss and refine the identified network connection options
  • Developing a high-level scope of work, AACE Class 5** cost and high-level time estimate for each identified network connection option
  • Preparing and providing all this information to the customer in a Connection Options Assessment pack

Identifying and assessing any economic, market or network constraints and the modifications to the Network required to remove the constraint are not included in the Connection Options Assessment.

Estimated cost* Estimated timeframe* Customer inputs/deliverables required  
$25,000 8 weeks

Contract executed and payment received  

Network Study (Steady State)

To develop a solution, we will need the model of your proposed facility to perform further network studies. The Steady State Study focuses on three primary criteria to assess the compatibility of your facility with the SWIS: 

  • Thermal Loading: Assessing the thermal loading of the transmission elements following a credible contingency.
  • Voltage Step: Assessing step change resulting from switching operations.
  • Voltage Range: Ensuring Steady State Study voltage levels remain within optimal limits. 

Western Power now offers two approaches for completing your Steady State Study:

  1. Western Power Expertise: Utilising our in-house expertise or collaborating with our panel suppliers, we can conduct the study for your preferred connection option. Our team's proficiency ensures a comprehensive evaluation, aligning with the latest industry standards and technological advancements.
  2. Steady State Self-Serve: You have the option to self-perform the Steady State Study either by engaging an external consultant directly or using your in-house expertise to conduct the Steady State Study. This process involves using the SWIS Base Model (PowerFactory) and study package, with Western Power validating the outcomes. 

Please refer to Steady State Studies and the Facility Model Guidelines  for more information on model requirements. These Guidelines enable Western Power to obtain the information needed to accurately model the behaviour of the plant connected to the South-West Interconnected System (SWIS) on an ongoing basis to fulfil several obligations such as planning, design, and network operation.

Activity Estimated cost* Estimated timeframe* Customer inputs/deliverables required  
Steady State Study (If  Western Power completes study) $35,000 (excluding GST) 10 weeks
  • Payment received
  • Preferred connection option confirmed (from Connection Options Assessment)  
Steady State Study – Due diligence Review (If  Western Power reviews customer self-serve study)

(excluding GST)

6 weeks  
  • Payment received
  • SWIS Base Model Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) executed
  • Steady State Study report submitted  


Model Assessments (Dynamic)

Generator Connections

Western Power will prepare a Grid Input Package, to help you with your Generator Performance Standards (GPS) submission, comprised of:

  • maximum and minimum fault levels at the intended point of connection
  • power quality allocation (Harmonic, Flicker and Voltage Unbalance Limits) at the point of connection
  • where required, a frequency scan of the network at the customer facility point of connection. 

Please note: the frequency sweep data is required only if the Customer’s facility cannot meet the PQ limits at the point of connection and design/installation of a filter is needed.
When submitting a dynamic model for a generating facility we also require a completed GPS Template and GPS report documenting the technical performance of your proposed facility, in accordance with the Wholesale Electricity Market (WEM) Rules. 

This will be validated and registered by Western Power and the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO). The network data required to produce a GPS R0 model will be provided following the completion of your steady-state study.  

Please refer to Generator Performance Standards (GPS)  for more information on GPS requirements.

Activity Estimated cost* Estimated timeframe* Customer inputs/deliverables required  

Grid Input Package   

$30,000 (excluding GST) 8 weeks
  • Payment received

Model Due Diligence 

$10,000 (excluding GST) 2 weeks
  • Payment received
  • Updated Connection Application (with D Data)
  • Powerfactory Model of the customers facility (Dynamic)  
  • Model User Guide  

GPS Assessment R0 Validation

$15,000 (excluding GST) 4 weeks
  • Payment received
  • GPS Assessment Submission

Load connections

When submitting a dynamic model for a Load facility we also require an updated Connection Application and completed model assessment report documenting the technical performance of your proposed facility, in accordance with the Technical Rules. This report should be submitted using the Load Compliance Assessment Against Technical Rules .

Activity Estimated cost* Estimated timeframe* Customer inputs/deliverables required  

Load Model Assessment (If Western Power completes assessment)  

$30,000 (excluding GST) 8 weeks
  • Payment received
  • Updated Connection Application (with D Data)
  • Dynamic Power Factory Model
  • Model User Guide  

Load Model Due Diligence (If Western Power reviews customer self-serve assessment)  

$10,000 (excluding GST) 2 weeks
  • Payment received
  • Model Assessment Submission
  • Updated Connection Application (with D Data)
  • Dynamic Power Factory Model
  • Model User Guide  


Environmental assessment and community & stakeholder engagement

Upon receipt, we will review the customers supplied environmental assessment and landowner engagement evidence, relating to the connection scope of works, to determine the impact of any potential issues on the proposed network modification/connection options, and develop changes as required to mitigate the issues. 

For more information and materials to support you with your Environmental, Planning, Heritage and Community Engagement please refer to:

Estimated cost* Estimated timing* Customer inputs/deliverables required
 $15,000 (excluding GST)   2 weeks Preferred connection option confirmed (from Connection Options Assessment)   

Scope of Works Definition

Following the Steady State Study, we will complete the following as part of this Scope Definition activity:

  • Define the scope of work for the confirmed connection option, including any remedial action schemes and/or network augmentation required to support the connection of your facility to the network
  • Determine the scope of work that is connection vs shared and an estimate of the expected customer contribution as per the Customer Contribution Policy
  • If required, update the AACE Class 5** cost and high-level time estimate for any changes to scope
  • Documenting and providing this information to the customer in a Scope Definition Report

This information will help enable the Scoping stage activities to commence.

Estimated cost* Estimated timing* Customer inputs/deliverables required
  $30,000 (excluding GST)   5 weeks   Payment received  

*The estimated costs and timeframes shown above are to be used as a guide and will vary depending on project specifics, such as facility size, connection voltage, complexity and geographic etc. The durations are based on all customer deliverables having been received and with no queuing time. Some activities may be able to happen in parallel.

**Association for the Advancement of Cost Engineering (ACCE) International Estimation Standard.

Start your application

Once complete please submit to