Have a question or want to leave some feedback?
Contact us
Find out the different ways to get in touch with us.
Phone enquiries
General enquiries 8.30am-5pm Monday to Friday |
13 10 87 |
Emergencies & outages 24 hours |
13 13 51 |
Report streetlight faults or graffiti | 1800 622 008 |
Complaints | 13 10 87 |
Report fraudulent or corrupt behaviour by a Western Power employee or contractor | 1300 304 550 |
*Local call charges apply from a landline phone. Mobile phones may incur a higher charge.
Do not report hazards or emergencies online, call 13 13 51 for immediate assistance.
Online enquiries
For enquiries, issues or complaints
We aim to provide information, facilities and services that are fully accessible.
National Relay Service for speech or hearing difficulties | 1800 13 13 51 |
Translating and interpreting services | 13 14 50 |