Our current regulators
- Economic Regulation Authority (ERA) - an independent body, reporting directly to State Parliament. The primary review functions performed by the ERA include the access arrangement and Western Power’s licenses.
- Energy Policy WA - a standalone sub-department of the Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety. Responsible for the delivery of energy policy advice to the Minister for Energy to assist government in making decisions that contribute to the supply of energy services to Western Australian households and businesses.
- Building and Energy - part of the Department of Consumer Protection. Building and Energy licenses electrical contractors and sets technical guidelines for the electricity network in relation to safety
- Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO)- controls the supply and trading of energy and electricity capacity in WA's Wholesale Electricity Market and is responsible for electricity system security
- Other bodies such as the Environmental Protection Authority and WorkSafe set guidelines, which determine how Western Power goes about its day-to-day work.