What we do
We provide a safe, reliable and efficient electricity supply for our customers.
Western Power is a Western Australian State Government owned corporation responsible for building, maintaining and operating an electricity network that connects our 2.3 million customers to traditional and renewable energy sources, delivering an essential service to our community.
We’re at the forefront of the energy industry in leveraging new technologies, including integrating microgrid and battery storage solutions. We’re planning the grid of the future that’s leading the way to a cleaner, brighter and more resilient energy supply for the next generation.
For more than 70 years, we’ve been providing West Australians with safe, reliable and efficient energy. Our vast transmission and distribution network, and the people behind it, seamlessly connect our homes, businesses and essential community infrastructure to an increasingly renewable energy mix, supercharging our vibrant West Australian lifestyle.
Our network coverage
We build, maintain and operate the electricity network in the south west corner of Western Australia, which covers the Noongar, Yamatji and Wangkatha Nations. The Western Power Network forms the vast majority of the South West Interconnected Network (SWIN), which together with all of the electricity generators, comprises the South West Interconnected System (SWIS).

Our strategy
The Western Power strategy is driven by an ambitious and forward-focused vision for the organisation: Working together to power a cleaner energy future. It acknowledges the collective effort involved in this exciting and challenging phase of WA’s energy transition, in which Western Power plays a key role.
Our refreshed strategy recognises WA’s accelerated pathway towards decarbonisation and the role the network plays in enabling industry and the community to achieve their decarbonisation goals and our ongoing drive to provide safe, reliable and affordable electricity.
Our strategy encapsulates our commitment to the community. It sets out our priorities that provide the backbone of how we will achieve this.
Western Power remains firmly focused on maintaining and transitioning our existing network to a modular grid to continue delivering reliable power in the face of increasing climate change impacts. This includes continued investment in undergrounding in urban areas, SPS in some regional areas and creating autonomous networks where it makes sense.
Our strategy recognises the growth in demand for renewables and the need for electrification on a large scale. It will involve a one-in-generation unparalleled growth in our transmission network, and the use of new technologies and processes required to meet the renewable generation powering our community and industrial energy users over the next decade and beyond.
The extent and speed of our transmission expansion is unknown at this stage, but we know it will be a significant factor in driving local economic growth by unlocking significant future infrastructure development, employment opportunities and broader regional growth across the State.
The State Government's SWIS Demand Assessment (SWISDA) affirms Western Power's strategic priority to expand the transmission network to enable industrial decarbonisation, service renewable generation and support State economic growth.
Our modelling and forecasting along with the work already underway to support the presently required transmission expansion, and the additional $126M provided in the State Budget will support planning works for the forecast highest anticipated growth areas, being in the northern, central and eastern corridors of the SWIS.
Our people are key to delivering a decarbonised future. People, skills and culture remain as important as ever and we will continue to invest in them. The one thing that we will not compromise is our commitment to safety - it’s fundamental to our business. No matter what, our commitment to our people and their families is that each and every one of our employees goes home healthy, well and safe each day.
The community remains at the centre of everything we do. As a Government Trading Enterprise (GTE) we’re owned by the people of Western Australia which means we have a rigorous approach to financial sustainability while delivering the energy needs of the community.
Our strategy lays out our plan to future-proof the network and decarbonisation energy future for the benefit of all Western Australians.
Working together to power a cleaner energy future
Western Power’s Corporate Strategy for 2023 – 2031